The Evercade family of systems is a glorious throwback to the days when physical media was king, and there was no such thing as a lengthy online update before loading up your game – but the range harks back to the past in other ways, too, such as the inclusion of hidden games which are unlocked via special 'cheat' codes.
Furthermore, the Evercade VS – the home console variant of the platform – allows you to unlock games by inserting different combinations of carts into its dual cartridge slots.
Both of these are cool bonus features, but unless you know the codes and cart combos, you're not going to be able to enjoy them – and that's where we come in. We've compiled this handy list of all of the known codes and cart match-ups, allowing you to gain access to even more Evercade games.
Evercade 'Secret Menu' Codes
All games below are unlocked by inputting the following codes (in lower or uppercase) on the 'Secret Menu' screen (as shown below on the Evercade VS). Once unlocked, they will appear in the 'Secret Games' menu.
Gribbly’s Day Out (C64)
Kubo 1&2 (NES)
Rogue64 (C64)
- Type in STONE
The Lost Mines (Evercade)
- Type in BLOP
Juggling Balls (Evercade)
- Type in JUGGLE
Evercade Button Input Codes
The games listed below can only be unlocked from the main menu (the screen shown below on the Evecade VS) without a cartridge inserted. Once unlocked, they will appear in the 'Secret Games' menu.
Fairy Fire – Defender of the Fairies
- Press the 'menu' button ten times
Gotris (Sega Master System)
- Hold down the following buttons: L2 + R2 + Select
Hummingz (Evercade)
- Press the following sequence of buttons: L2, L2, R2, R2, L1, L1, R1, R1
Maniac Square (Arcade Prototype, Evercade VS only)
- You'll need the Gaelco Arcade 2 cart for this one. Select Maniac Square, then hold down L1 + L2 + R1 + R2
- Hold down the following buttons: L1 + R1 + Up
Spacey McRacey (NES)
- Hold down the following buttons: L1 + R1 + Down
Evercade VS Cartridge Combinations

All of the below games are only unlockable on the Evercade VS, as they rely on two different Evercade cartridges being inserted at the same time.
Arkade Rush (NES)
- Gaelco Arcade 1 + Indie Heroes Collection 1
Bang! (Arcade)
- Gaelco Arcade 1 + Gaelco Arcade 2
Dark Chambers (Atari 7800)
- Atari Collection 1 + Atari Collection 2
Gyroscope (C64)
- The C64 Collection 1 + The C64 Collection 2
Pyramids of Ra (Game Boy)
- Piko Interactive Collection 1 + Piko Interactive Collection 2
Raid on Tricity: Second Wave (Atari Lynx)
- Atari Lynx Collection 1 + Atari Lynx Collection 2
Twin Brats (Arcade)
- Piko Interactive Collection 1 and Gaelco Arcade 1
Twin Hawk (Mega Drive/Genesis)
Worms: The Director's Cut (Amiga)
Zombie Madness (Intellivision)
- Intellivision Collection 1 + Intellivision Collection 2
Other Evercade Secret Codes
Diagnostics Screen
- Hold down X + Y + L1 + R1 on the main menu with no cartridge inserted
Evercade VS Photo
- Type CIRCUIT on the Secret Code screen
Potato Photo
- Type DEADLOCK on the Secret Code screen
"Welcome" Joke Screen From Ben
- Type GUEST on the Secret Code screen ("Ben" is presumably Lead Interface Programmer Benjamin Sanfilippo)
Two Of The Same Cartridge Hidden Message
If you load up two of the same cartridge into an Evercade VS, you'll see the following message:

Credits Screen Jokes
- Keep scrolling through the credits – even after you see a black screen – for some amusing messages.
If we've missed a code or unlockable game, let us know by posting a comment below!