I'm Tasuki. Been a member over at Nintendo Life since 2010 but also can be seen around Pure Xbox and Push Square. Heard about this site and decide to come over here to get my retro fix since the retro scene is all but dead over at NL. Glad to meet you all and can't wait to discuss gaming with you!!!
RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.
Well hello everyone!
You probably know me already if you frequent Nintendo Life but if you don't: hello! My name's Fizza, I've been a long time lurker on NLife and Push Square for the past couple of years (only recently making an account on NLife as of December 2021) and my favourite series include Pokemon, Splatoon and Ace Attorney. Whilst I'm not too invested in the retro scene since those generations more or less completely passed me by, I absolutely adore playing retro games and some of them are even in my favourite games of all time (Link to the Past, Mario 3, Kirby 64, etc.).
So yeah: it's a pleasure to be here, I'm excited to see where this site will go in the future and I hope I'm not too insufferably positive at times XD
Mario Maker 2 Maker ID: YT1-0Q2-YFF
Please ask for permission before using my FC! Currently Playing: Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (GCN)
I am a long time gamer, very heavy into my retro and been on all kinds of forums since I got a computer at age 16, I am 41 now wowsers so I have lived through most of what is now retro and owned it at the time, still own a heck of a lot now.
Hey, I'm arnoldfranklin. I have been on Nintendo Life. I like platformers. My two favorite video game series are Rayman and Ty the Tasmanian Tiger at least as far as now goes.
Hello. You may probably know me from Push Square. I have made some retro topics there about game preservation and similar topics. I mostly play on Sony platforms but I buy and play retro games, mostly Sega, RPGs, Game Boy/Gear etc. I am very much in emulation and game preservation
Hello all. I’m relatively new to the community, and really liking the layout of the site. I probably enjoy older games, music and media more than modern stuff these days, and am somewhat stuck in the past.
I'm MarioLover92, straight from the Nintendo Life community! As you can no doubt tell, I'm a Nintendo guy and I'm a massive Super Mario fan. I've been into games since the SNES and N64 days (I'm 30 now), and I do like old-school games in general - arcade, Nintendo (as I mentioned before), Sega, PlayStation 1 and 2, you name it! Not sure how often I'd post here on Time Extension, but I thought I'd say hello anyway. 'Cause I'm a nice guy.
Hi, I am GX 64. I am a massive fan of Splatoon, but I also like a lot of retro games. I have a Super Famicom (which unfortunately has a capacitor problem) and a N64. I also really like the original Sonic games. Sonic CD is probably one one my favourite games ever, even though it has some level design issues (it is even possible to to get stuck in one of the levels!)
I often read a lot of about retro games, even if I don't play them as much as other people here probably do. I find reading about prototypes in particular interesting.
Howdy, Ryu_Niiyama here. I float in and out of NL and lurk on push square and pure xbox. I’m in my late 30’s so I have an interest in retro gaming.
Taiko is good for the soul, Hoisa!
Japanese NNID:RyuNiiyamajp
Team Cupcake! 11/15/14
Team Spree! 4/17/19
I'm a Dream Fighter. Perfume is Love, Perfume is Life.
3DS Friend Code: 3737-9849-8413 | Nintendo Network ID: RyuNiiyama
A forum is still the best place for nostalgic retrogamers, so here I am!
My main system right now is the Nintendo Switch. I still feel like a completionist even if I can't play as I used to when I was a kid/teen, but I try to do my best to keep the good habits.
My favourite games are rpgs, but I tend to play whatever is fun to me without "closing" into a genre.
I am not a native english speaker/writer, I may do errors sometime, that's a language training too.
Read you around!
@andreverts English is my first and only language but I am Dyslexic so I write awfully sometime, don't worry I bet you will be writing far more accurately than me
Im The Iron Chimp been frequenting the Push Square, Nin Life and Pure Xbox sites for a fair while.
I tend to play mostly retro stuff now due to constant attempts in new releases to rip gamers off. Not to say I dont play new releases but of it wasnt for the simplicity and nostalgia I see in Retro gaming and its community I probs wouldnt been gaming much now.
@belmont@Ryu_Niiyama@MarioLover92@Fizza@Tasuki Hey guys! I'm here as well! For those I haven't met before, I joined Nintendo Life back in 2010, and in 2016 joined Push Square. I am a longtime Nintendo and Sony fan and LOVE JRPG's. I have been finding myself playing retro ports and indie games quite often on my PS4 & Switch. And lastly I'm a firm believer that Vita means life! 🤣
I have no idea when this site was made or what it has to do with NL but I t has the same community and great articles. Yeah I’m from Nintendo life, hi!
Topic: Welcome/Introductions Thread
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