A super-rare Hulk-themed Xbox console potentially worth thousands of dollars has been donated to a charity shop in the UK (thanks, Eurogamer).
The lurid green Xbox console comes from 2003, and was created to promote the Hulk movie released in the same year. It is apparently one of only fifty in existence and could be worth up to £9,000 / $11,000 USD.
The consoles were never actually sold and were instead given away as prizes available in a cinema scratchcard competition. Only 36 Xbox systems were claimed, leaving another 16 unaccounted for.
The console was "generously donated" to a British Heart Foundation shop in Oxford. The unit is up for auction on eBay, which ends on June 15th. It currently stands at £1,660.
British Heart Foundation tester Paul Smith told the BBC:
This one really caught my eye. I’m a games enthusiast myself but the rare green colour combined with the Hulk and Pepsi logo really stood out.
The console's eBay listing says:
In the USA, a green Xbox was created for the brand Mountain Dew, they made 5,000 of those and they are highly sought after, so this is even rarer. There are none on eBay and none have been sold in the past, so these are rare, the likelihood of finding another is slim.
The money generated from the sale will go towards the foundation's vital research into heart and circulatory diseases.