Although it’s hard to believe now, when Star Fox Adventures launched in 2002 (yes, it's now 20 years old, incredibly) it gained largely positive reviews and shifted 200,000 copies in Japan, making it one of the system’s early smash hits in its native region. However, history hasn’t been kind to the game; over time, its reputation has crumbled and many dedicated Nintendo fans now view it as one of Rare’s less essential titles. Of course, much of this negativity can be attributed to the fact that Star Fox Adventures was Rare’s final game as a second-party Nintendo developer - the year before its release, Microsoft paid a total of $375 million to acquire 100% of the UK-based studio, ending its astonishingly fruitful association with Nintendo.
The game’s dramatic fall from grace may also be related to the fact that it famously had the Star Fox branding added mid-way through development - prior to that, it was an N64 title by the name of Dinosaur Planet. To uncover a little more regarding the fascinating history of Rare’s one and only GameCube title, we spoke to the game’s Lead Software Engineer, Phil Tossell.

“I began working at Rare straight after I graduated from University in 1997,” explains Tossell. “I joined the Diddy Kong Racing programming team near the tail end of the project. Around that time GoldenEye 007 was just being finished off, and one of my early memories was sitting next to Mark Edmonds - one of the GoldenEye programmers - in Rare’s canteen and talking with him about the game and how excited I was about it.”
When work on Diddy Kong Racing was complete, Tossell was pushed straight onto his next project: the aforementioned Dinosaur Planet. “Work began immediately after Diddy Kong Racing was finished,” he recalls. “The programming team from Diddy Kong Racing split into two, with some members - particularly Paul Mountain who had been my mentor during my first six months - going to lead the Jet Force Gemini programming team. The rest of us began work on Dinosaur Planet. I don't actually know clearly where the inspiration for the game came from; Lee Schuneman was the designer and I remember him coming up with so many ideas and sketches. The game changed many times in early development before settling down to the eventual idea of a continuous world adventure game based around two interweaved stories. For a long time, Dinosaur Planet had two main protagonists - Sabre and Krystal - and you could actually swap at any time between the two by speaking to Swapstone characters. These survived the transition to Star Fox Adventures but their use changed to being Warpstones. Originally Krystal also had a sidekick character called Kyte - similar to Tricky in the final game, but a pterodactyl that could fly. The story was also quite different.”

According to legend, Shigeru Miyamoto was shown footage of Dinosaur Planet and suggested that the game should be re-tooled to incorporate Fox McCloud and company. Rumours also abound that the change wasn’t accepted willingly by all of the Dinosaur Planet team, as the plot had to be rewritten in places to accommodate the Star Fox canon. Tossell’s recollection of this period is hazy, largely because he wasn’t directly involved with any of the high-level choices made regarding the direction of the project. “I don't know for sure where the idea originally came from, but I definitely heard it mentioned that Miyamoto-san had suggested it,” he says. “Of course, we were slightly disappointed at having to change Dinosaur Planet as we had all become so attached to it, but we could also see the potential of using the Star Fox licence.” It was around the same time that the choice was made to switch development from the ageing N64 to the new GameCube console.
"We were slightly disappointed at having to change Dinosaur Planet as we had all become so attached to it, but we could also see the potential of using the Star Fox licence"
With the Star Fox branding established, Tossell and the rest of the team worked tirelessly on the game with surprisingly little interference from Nintendo. “On the whole, we worked very independently,” explains Tossell. “We had an initial trip to Nintendo's headquarters in Kyoto for about a week where we discussed the changes that would be required to make the game fit in well with the Star Fox universe. Sitting in a room discussing gameplay ideas with Miyamoto-san is certainly one of the highlights of my career, and I still have his business card carefully stored away. I also remember going to an Italian restaurant for lunch near the offices with Miyamoto-san and talking about all sorts of things. I'm not one to get starstruck, but that's probably the one time in my life when I felt a little bit overawed. We also met with Takaya Imamura, who is the creative mind behind Star Fox originally. Imamura-san came to stay at Rare for around a month I think, where he would work with Lee Schuneman overseeing what we were doing. I think on the whole though, Nintendo was really trusting of our ability to make a great game.”
Working under Nintendo was an eye-opening experience for Tossell, who is full of praise for the Japanese company. “Without doubt of all the time I've worked in the industry it was the most trusting and respectful relationship,” he says. “Of course, it helped because technically Rare was independent - Nintendo only owned 49% of the company, as far as I am aware. This meant that the Stamper Brothers [Rare's founders] didn't have to do anything they didn't want to. This contrasts sharply with how it is now where Microsoft own the whole company. Even accounting for that though, Nintendo knows games - it knows them inside and out and knows when something needs to be pushed and prodded and when it doesn't. And it understands that if you push and prod too much, then you destroy any spark that a game may have. It's a delicate balancing act that Nintendo made look easy.”
When the game was eventually released in 2002, comparisons to The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time were rife. Tossell admits that the N64 classic was most definitely an influence on Star Fox Adventures during the development period, but only during the latter part. “When we first began Dinosaur Planet, Zelda wasn't out yet, so the game had a slightly different feel,” he reveals. “But when Zelda came out, I think the designers were really inspired and amazed by it, and to a large extent, we emulated a number of features. The problem was we were making Star Fox Adventures with a tiny team in comparison to Zelda; for most of the development, we only had five programmers, only adding more much later on. I don't think anyone would even attempt such a large game with such a small team nowadays.”
"I think the game relied too heavily on collecting things...It was a 'feature' of a lot of Rare's games at the time and I wasn't especially a fan"
Indeed, the small number of staff working on the project meant that it ran into a number of technical challenges. “Star Fox Adventures was one of the first games to utilise a fully streaming world on a console that had a relatively small amount of memory,” explains Tossell. “Squeezing everything in and making what I still think is one of the most beautiful-looking GameCube games was a real challenge. When we first conceived the idea of a 'no-loading' world, it was on the N64 which of course had cartridges, making instant loading much more straightforward. However, by the time we moved to GameCube we were faced with our first experience of a disc-based medium, which added complications. In addition, with the move to Star Fox branding, we had space levels which we had never envisaged in the beginning.” Fox’s sidekick Tricky also caused headaches. “Keeping the misbehaving little dinosaur in check was a lot of work!” Tossell admits with a smile. “There was a lot of setup involved to ensure that Tricky always stayed with Fox and didn't get lost or trapped.”
Of course, as is the case with many games, things had to be removed to get Star Fox Adventures to market. Given the game’s constantly shifting focus, it’s harder than you might expect to classify what did and didn’t make the cut. “The game changed so many times during development that it was impossible to keep track of what was added and removed,” says Tossell. “I think the only thing was that we wanted to make more of the Arwing sections. These were added in fairly late, and because the game had not been designed with them in mind from the beginning, it stretched some of our tools beyond what they were designed for, limiting their scope and refinement.” With the benefit of hindsight, Tossell is able to comment on what he would and wouldn’t include if he had the opportunity to start over again. “I think the game relied too heavily on collecting things,” he says. “It was a 'feature' of a lot of Rare's games at the time, and I wasn't especially a fan. I would also have done more with the aforementioned Arwing sections if we'd had more time.”

In many ways, the team behind Star Fox Adventures pushed the hardware and broke new ground - a remarkable feat when you consider how wet behind the ears many of them were. “As a programming team we were pretty inexperienced,” reveals Tossell. “Star Fox Adventures was the first full game that I had worked on, and this was true for almost all of the programming team. Saying that though, I'm proud of the guys I worked with on Star Fox Adventures. They all worked ridiculously hard - more than was healthy at times - but I have some of my fondest game development memories from the time that I worked on the game.” To make the process even more demanding, there was also the small matter of Microsoft buying Rare mid-way through the game’s development. “The Stampers were very open about the situation, at least as much as they could be,” explains Tossell. ”I think for me it was a blessing to be working on Star Fox Adventures because we still had a clear deadline for completion of the game and knew we had to get it done before any sale occurred; other parts of the company struggled for focus around that time because of all the uncertainty. So from our perspective, it really just spurred us on to get Star Fox Adventures finished.”
"I've had plenty of people come up to me in subsequent years and say that they loved the game and didn't understand why it received so much criticism"
When the game was completed, it garnered decent early reviews but didn’t set the world alight in the way many had anticipated. “I totally understand the reaction because many of us on the team felt the same way,” reveals Tossell when asked about the lukewarm critical reception the game received. “Personally, I knew the game had its flaws, but also it borrowed a little too heavily from Zelda, I think. It also felt a little too much like the Star Fox elements were tacked on - which of course they were! But saying all of that, I'm incredibly proud of what we achieved, especially given the amount of time and resources we had. I think some of the criticisms were unjustified and seemed to revolve around it not being a proper Star Fox game like all the others, rather than judging it on what it was. I've had plenty of people come up to me in subsequent years and say that they loved the game and didn't understand why it received so much criticism.”
Tossell would go on to assume the role of Director of Gameplay and Human-computer Interaction at Rare and work on projects such as Kameo and Kinect Sports, but left the company in 2010 to start up his own studio with two other ex-Rare employees. “I left on positive terms,” he explains. “Overall it was just a mutual acceptance that the goals I had and the goals the company had no longer matched up. And that is why it was best for me to go my own way." Tossell set up Nyamyam with fellow ex-Rare employees Jennifer Schneidereit and Ryo Agarie and produced Tengami, an adventure game where you play a character inside a pop-up book. Since then, he has had roles at Blockplay Limited, Mochimocha Ltd and AccelByte Inc, where he currently works as Head of Product.

"In many ways, for me, Rare doesn't exist anymore," Tossel replies when asked about this former employer. "That is the Rare that I knew and loved and that I got up every morning like an excited child to go to work for. The Rare that I spent far too many hours at and yet never resented one bit. The Rare where all my friends were, most of whom are no longer there. And so that Rare doesn't exist anymore. The Rare that does exist is a new Rare, an evolved Rare with different goals and different aims, and I think and hope that they will go on and continue to thrive in their own way. Kinect Sports was my final game at Rare, and if you look past the kind of game it is, it still bears all the hallmarks of a quality, polished game that Rare was known for. I look forward to seeing what they do next.”
Irrespective of the manner in which Star Fox Adventures is viewed by the gaming public of today, it’s abundantly clear that Tossell enjoyed every minute of its tumultuous and chaotic development. “I'd like to thank all of the Star Fox Adventures team,” he states when asked if he has any final words to close the interview. “Working with the guys and gals was an amazing experience and something I'll never forget. I'd especially like to thank the programming team: Nik, Nick, Cliff, Phil, Ray, Brendan, Graham and Andy. Thanks for great times, your incredibly hard work and your patience with my inexperience!”

This article was originally published by nintendolife.com on Wed 26th December, 2012.
Comments 102
After reading through this, I feel kinda bad for how much I have openly bashed this game. I guess I wouldn't have felt the way I do if it never would have had Starfox attached to it. On its own, the game was cool, but I could not get over Fox and his bo staff skills. It all seemed (and still does seem) ridiculous. I loved Jet Force Gemini, so I really think it was the addition of Starfox that ruined the experience for me.
Great article, Damo.
I guess I'm one of the few that actually really enjoyed this game, tempted to dig it out and have a play. Awesome article too Damo!
Now that was really good read. I've always thought of Star Fox Adventures as a good game in its own right. It's clear certain things were tacked on, gameplay elements taken from Zelda and certain areas of the game were rushed, but it was still a memorable experience.
Of all the Star Fox games, this and 64 were the only two I didn't find plagued with mediocrity.
Antdickens, you are not alone I also really liked that game. It had some nice idas here and there and was overall really "ok"
And to be honest, it could have been anything, and people would still find something to complain about
Yep. I knew beforehand that starfox adventures was originally a game called "dinosaur planet"
There is also a few unused dinosaur planet stuff(mostly text & voice clips) lingering in the game archives.
Nice read BTW
I always liked this game, found it really enjoyable (minus the test of fear of course). It was a great game in its own right, and they did a pretty darn good job considering they were turning an on-rails shooter into an adventure game.
Might have to fire this puppy up again myself.
I enjoyed it but also found it incredibly easy and way too short as I finished the bloody thing in 2 days
People have always been way too harsh on this game.. I've always loved this game..
This game gives me sweet memories. I was very poor 10 years ago, and bought myself a second-hand colour tv. I played this game for weeks, till the tv broke.
I enjoyed the fluffy skin graphic technique on Fox.
Yeah I loved this game from the moment I played it. I know it was so different from other starfox games but damn!... gamers can be hard to please like that. Make too many games the same and they complain that the developers are being lazy. Make too much of a change and they hate it for "ruining the style" or something. Same problem with another maligned but much-loved-by-me GC game, Super Mario Sunshine. I don't know why gamers feel they have a right to write off a game like starfox adventures just because it doesn't fit with their idea of what should be canon... Who cares? It was a cool game to play and one of those ones I finished completely and would gladly play again, more than can be said for most games that come out.
Loved this game when I first played all the way through it from beginning to end. Not the best star fox game imo of course but still a great game on it's own. I actually played this game with a good friend of my about a year ago and we both found it very fun still.
Star Fox Dinosaur Planet is more of an adventure game above all else and really isn't very Star Fox like at all. Pretty unique game even if it borrows from Zelda and other games.
I followed Starfox Adventures from it's Dinosaur Planet days and was glad it had the extra umph that the Gamecube provided.
Sure I was a little disappointed that it became a Starfox game as it didn't fit what Dinosaur Planet was to me.. and I have never completed it to this day for this reason.
BUT, I still own it and WILL play it again and complete it!
I love Star Fox Adventures.. except for 1 small thing.. literally.
Tricky.. ugh..
This was actually my favorite gc game. I really liked everything about it.
StarFox Adventures is one of my favourites games of all time. I played this so many times back in the day and would love to see a sequel to it but I think that all the hate found these days toward this game will make sure that it will never happen.
I only hope that another starfox command never happens.
I wasn't a fan of the game, unfortunately--it felt a bit repetitive at times--but from a technical standpoint it was beautiful. It's nice to read that some of the team thought that adding in Star Fox wasn't a good idea - I personally think it was a mistake on Miyamoto's part, although without knowing what it would have been like/sold like as Dinosaur Planet, who can truly say?
Great article, Damien!
This is one of my favourite games. I loved it.
Yes, Triky was annoying, but most sidekicks are.
Star Fox Adventures was maligned? I thought it was an excellent game. It's definitely one of the better Zelda clones to have come out last generation.
I never played the game but I do feel bad for the horrible rep this game gets,for just being unique similar to Mario sunshine,Wind Waker, and pokemon ruby and sapphire they all changed their respective series ALOT And some people liked the changed but others bashed them complaining of how their older (and more boring imo) games were better :I
Star Fox Adventures is one of the last, truly original games from Nintendo that I really REALLY enjoyed. The criticism this title got is just moronic, it was an awesome game
I've always wanted to play this game but just never found the time. Maybe I'll make time for it soon. Awesome interview, so many awesome interviews recently! NL is really going all out for us, thanks!
@CactusJackson Really? You felt the first one for the SNES was mediocre too?
I never understood the bashing. It was a great game! He is right though, the arwing sequences were tacked on and felt out of place. The ending boss of andross was sill to have there. I wonder what cool final battle would have occurred if it had simply stayed "dinosaur planet"? It was still a great game and I would reccomend it to anyone.
One of my favorites GameCube games!!!!
Of course. It hasn't aged well whatsoever.
Dinosaur planet seems better, and it could have turned out to be the only Rare game I like.
@CactusJackson Just like with Dinosaur Planet you should probably be taking it for what it was at the time and not what it is NOW. It makes very little sense to be comparing it to the current generation.
In Germany in no way the game had a bad reputation. The very popular Nintendo magazine N-Zone gave it a 91% and declared it to be one of the best Gamecube games of all time. The also well known german internet magazine Mag64 gave it 81%.
And they were right. It's a very good game that is reminiscent to Zelda and a must have in every GCN collection.
Dinosaur Planet was one of my most wanted games back on N64. Couldn't wait to pick up Starfox Adventures when it finally came out in Q3 2002. I knew it was going to be Zelda-like and not an Arwing shooter.
Definately has some of the best graphics on the Gamecube. That atmosphere, particularly at the beach, was great. But it has some of the best music as well. It's full of great music, but I really love 4 or 5 tunes.
I liked the way the Starfox was included. Had no problem with the new stuff. Didn't feel strongly tacked-on, was just Fox landing on a new planet, exploring it on foot. And I liked Tricky. And the fantastic item select menu. Why did no one steal this idea (besides the Jet Force Gemini team)?
I hope Nyamyam brings Tengami to Wii U!
Getting back a piece of Rare!
I loved the game and don't understand why it received so much criticism.
Interesting article but still a terribly lame game.
That is an amazing game! I really loved it back in the days of Game Cube! Whoever talking trash about this game is very very ignorant.
This is one of my favorite games, and nothing on the WiiU now looks as good as this did then, especially when they were showing it as an N64 game. Sorry ZombieU, thid eas more original, even if it was a poorly implemented sequel.
I consider Adventures the best Star Fox game.
Beautiful production art, and cool statue of Sabre and Krystal. I own this game, but have yet still to play it after all this time.
I still wish they had made Sabre an unlockable "skin" for Fox. The pterodactyl sidekick sounds fun.
I never said it was this or that in present day. I'm not comparing it to anything that has been released this generation either (so stop assuming). The game has looked ugly since the day Star Fox 64 released. Since 1997, everything that Star Fox did on the SNES was overshadowed by its N64 remake making it outdated and showing its true colors.
SFA was one of my favorite N64 games. It oozed high production quality, as was typical of Rare games at the time. I appreciated the mix of platforming, adventuring, puzzles and flying. Not to mention the great soundtrack and overall atmosphere of the game. It's all coming back to me now. Ah, good memories.
@Crouteru The N64 was limited in its hardware, granted, but for an N64 game, it was quite detailed and had high quality music, two rare things for the N64...wait, did I just use a pun?
I actually rather like this game. It's quirky, but still very enjoyable. It almost seems like Fox himself realizes that he's not in his genre, which I find funny. He seems to lighten up, though, once he finds a "cause"...
This games was cool for sure. The only weird thing, was that it literally went on sale to $8 less than a year of coming out at GS stores where I lived... Everyone I knew w/ a GCN had this game, and all liked it. I thought the graphics/audio were awesome when I first played it. I knew nothing about the original Dinosaur Planet idea until later after looking up more aboit the game, even though I do think the original idea looked more appealing(no offense towards Star Fox!) in terms of characters and beta weirdness. Sometimes keeping up w/ game news is a bad omen, and just take Megaman Legends, Dinosaur Planet, and Smash Bros. as examples. I say this because, people see something in particular during development, it vanishes from the result, and leaves them pissed off, or dissapointed sometimes.
Really makes you think before you speak poorly of someone else's hard work.
It's too bad we'll never get to play Dinosaur Planet as it was originally intended. I'm sure it would have been another RareWare hit.
@True_Hero Your right, never thought about it that way but thats one of the things I really liked about it. The whole beginning part where hes constantly griping about everything as if hes just been dumped into the wrong game.
I liked that we actually got to explore a planet in the Lylat system rather than just fly around one, even if it wasn't originally one. Reading the old Star Fox comics from NP always made me wonder what it would be like.
Also, you gotta wonder how Dinosaur Planet would have done compared to SFA, or if it was released today.
I ended up getting this for chrimbus back in 2002 with a black memory card. The black memory cards were boss, screw the gray ones except for the gray animal crossing stickered memory card.
@TanookiMike I feel it would have been a cool Zelda game rather than a starfox game. I totally agree, though it's not a bad game.
This is still one of my favorite gamecube games and I play through it probably once a year.
It's like a complete paradox when this game came out. First, Microsoft buys rare from Nintendo, then we see this ruinous excuse for a Star Fox. Or do I reverse that?
i remember playing this game a friend of mine had rented it and we decided to play it seem ok but then after a while it got rly boring to us =/ it always gave me this strange feeling when playing like something didnt quiet fit and i see why not the fox group was just kinda dropped in to fit maybe it that didnt happen it would of been a good game on its own
who knows maybe i will give it a retry if it ever comes to wii u
I have fond memories playing this on the first Christmas I had my GameCube. It still looks better than most Wii games did and I got a lot of enjoyment out of it. Sure the voices were annoying but you could say that about other Rare games from the time.
Great Read! Next to that is a game that's pretty good in my opinion but should have stayed Dinosaur Planet. I guess the Guys at Nintendo wanted the Rare team to be able to use the Starfox Franchise as a sort of compliment. All in all; great interview!
I loved this game. I probably helped that this was the first starfox game I ever played (in fact, the first teen game I played), and that I had not played Ocarina of Time either. It may have been before I played any Zelda game actually, so I had nothing to compare it to in those respects.
That game gave me blisters because of a section where you had to repeatedly tap the A button to push a guy into a pit. >:C
There should be a BrodyQuest parody of Miyamoto going to visit Rare HQ. XD
Even though it is my least favourite game in the series, I still found it enjoyable.
I have so much love for this game, I hope they bring it to Wii U VC
Holy crap, I knew so much about this game's backstory that I never knew it wasn't officially titled "Star Fox Adventures: Dinosaur Planet!" I always call it Dinosaur Planet!
Anyway, great article! Man, this coupled with the hardware feature on the Tezuka GB Light is incredible, keep it up, guys!
@TwilightV - I remember that part. I couldn't do it for the life of me, so I cheated and used the turbo button on my controller. I beat it hilariously fast then.
I never had a Nintendo console before the Wii, but I remember wanting one so much because of this game. This was back when I was a kid, and relying on my parents to buy consoles for christmas, and it was strictly a one per generation thing, and I'd gone for the PS2.
I never did end up picking it up to play on the Wii because of all the negative press I've since realised it had, but it sounds like the only downside is, it's 'too different' from what Star Fox should be. Considering I've never played a Star Fox, I'm probably thinking I'd actually love this as much as I thought I would, all those years ago.
There has never been a bad Star Fox game, including Star Fox Adventures. I have enjoyed every Star Fox title for how different they are and celebrate how I have never felt liked I am playing the same game over again, like many current game series.
Yeah, I think this game would have been better and more satisfying if they'd kept the original characters and setting, and if they'd removed a LOT of the unnecessary "collecting lots of things just for the sake of it" that Rare was really bad for back in the day. Other than that it was pretty decent and it had some gret graphics and pretty impressive production values imo. The voice acting however was the usual rubbish from Rare, with the staff doing half of the voice work...and badly imo.
I very much enjoyed the game despite it's past. It's just all too bad when I think about the relationship with Rare and Nintendo... I enjoyed those days every second.
I enjoyed the game myself yeah it was a bit of a zelda clone and it didn't need fox but as an adventure game over all it was a fun game, and not a bad one for rare to go out on nintendo consoles.
I actually enjoyed the game when it came out. My mother rented it for me back in the day when I had the flu, and I played it straight through without stopping. Haven't played it since, even though I think I have a copy lying around...
Really hope this gets a VC release down the road. I never played it and always wanted to. As relates to me, it's 'one of those what got away.'
Great read
liked the game back then and i still like it now! sure it wasn't a S.F. game i asked for but we still got a very great game and i'm very proud and thankful of the quality games of rareware/nintendo era!
people say this game is bad? really? this is one of my favorite gamecube games of all time! open world exploration, rich environment, fluid controls, and awesome ambient music. everyone needs to get a gamecube or wiiNotU and play this right meow
This game is very enjoyable, in my opinion it is one of the best adventure games i ever played. I feel bad to not own an original copy of this game.
I love how people complain about New Super Mario Bros. 2 being "samey", but then complain of how too different Star Fox Adventures is. Double standards, it seems.
Anyways, this is one of my most favorite games.
Hahaha, good point.
It was cool to watch my cousin play this when I was a kid. I haven´t finished it myself though. Tricky is an annoying character, I hate those flying enemies and it´s not as good as Rare´s other classic. Still want to have it as part of my collection since it´s Rare´s last Nintendo homeconsole game and has some good moments too.
I admit the game is great, but assault was better.
"face the facts"
I loved and still love this game.
Nice article!
Adding star fox was a shrewd move by Nintendo. Shame they didn't do the same with conker and banjo. Making dinosaur planet a star fox title means they retain the whole IP and code for the game. Way back in its early development, they'd obviously seen no more use for Rareware as its slip started, secured it's current work for itself and then brokered its shares for a fortune.
Still one of my favorite game! I enjoyed it throughly and asked for seconds, but that never came about.
I probably got and played this game when I was about... six. XD Ever since then is has been one of my most favorite video games. Period. God knows how many times I've played it (just recently finished it again... yesterday. ^^;).
Though, I torment myself by reading these comments... It makes me sad to think some (most) people didn't see how amazing this game really was; Whether because it landed as a Star Fox game, or possibly because it took from Zelda.
I think that if you would've played it without any prior opinions, such as not having played whatever Zelda they said this took from (too lazy to scrool up and re-read it XD), or any of the previous Star Fox games, you would've loved it. Fo' realz.
This was the first Star Fox game I ever played (still is... sadly ^^; Well... I tried out Star Fox: Assult, but... I was too stupid to get past the level - seriously, I was like six!), and I had never played any Zelda's before it.
I think it would've been amazing to play Dinosuar Planet, but I wouldn't wish on my life that they came out w/ DP, instead of SFA. I think it'd be cool if now they came out with DP... Partly because, one of the many incredible things about Adventures, was the graphics.
OKAY. I'M DONE BLABBIN' TO NOBODY NOW... BUT IF YOU READ THIS, and you're a "hater" on dis' game, please, for the love of god, just... PLAY IT!
(Also, the game wouldn't have been the same w/o the "collecting crap"... that makes the game different to me. It's not just going around and beating up bad guys... It's full of puzzles and I loved that. But... if I can I'd like to try out... scrools to top Zelda: Ocarina of Time now... See how it compairs... OH GOD I CAN'T STOP TYPING!! IlikedTrickybutheannoyedthehellouttamewheneverFoxwouldbewalkingand"Oh,whatethehellamIcrashinto?OhIT'SJUSTTRICKYFORTHE1,000TIME!"D:<)
StarFox: Adventures is my favorite game of all time, I don't even know what I would do without it. I love this game with all my heart, but like every game it has flaws too. My biggest problem with the game is how long it takes in the beginning before you can actually save. Dx I was emulating this game and it took me closer to an hour before I could save. All well problems aside I still love this game. It will always hold a place in my heart and I really wanna thank the developers for creating a masterpiece. Thank you to the entire SFA Team.
Here is a video documenting the rise and fall of Dinosaur Planet - https://youtu.be/MwmwsjDlm8c
I liked this game. would love to see a reboot, or sequal to this or star fox 64 . Heck, I just want a great star fox game for the switch.
Sadly I lost all interest in this title when it became Star Fox Adventures. The Star Fox characters are... not Nintendo's best. Much preferred the look of it with Rare's original characters and they seemed to fit the world SO much better.
Why does it seem Miyamoto makes so many bad decisions when it comes to other people's games... 😐
I never gave a fair chance to Star Fox Adventures on the GameCube mostly because by the time I got the system I already had a huge pile of backlog to go trough thus I think it is time I change that as soon as I can free up my schedule. I've always preferred Star Fox Assault for being a proper Star Fox game. Much like Star Fox 2 on the SNES, I was gutted when the game was canned on the Nintendo 64, it would have been an epic swan song for the system. I also condone everyone saying on my gameplay video that this was all Miyamoto's fault. It is Alway easy for us in the cosy distance of the present to judge the past without any risks, but for the people living it I believe things just went the way they were meant: We lost a late gen N64 that was truly pushing the hardware to its maximum capacity but won an impressive first gen GameCube game instead. A fair trade IMO.
Tried it a few years ago but I could not get into Starfox Adventures at all.
Did finally play through Assault today though, it wasn't all that good.
I so want another Nintendo game like this.
Starfox Adventures, for a game that was originally meant for N64, is a pure technical showcase of the Gamecube capabilities. The lighting in this game is so good, the effects it pulls off are still really nice looking today (reflections, fur shading, etc...) and it did it all at 60FPS without sacrificing anything in terms of resolution.
it may not be the game with the best pacing of the different gameplay elements, or balanced for that matter and ultimately I think it wasn't all that big with many places you simply have to go back to more than once after you can finally explore more of it, etc... but all in all I enjoyed it and I still marvel at what it did at the time on a console that was still fairly new and cutting edge.
People got all over this games case for not being a true star fox game but honestly i was never the biggest star fox fan anyway. What interested me in it was the promise of a zelda like adventure and it did not dissapoint in that regard!
The traditional star fox games are really short and there's only two that matter anyway although i did enjoy Star fox zero. It's the closest to anything traditional were likely to ever get again.
I've played through adventures many times and i always come back to it every few years! I guess the haters probably don't like zelda either.
If you wanted regular star fox and never cared for zelda then yeah i can see someone not digging this game.
I bought this in 2006 for £3 and whenever I tried to sit down and play it through I just lost interest. However, after listening to the relevant episode of the podcast ‘The GameCube was cool’ I decided to finally complete it and did so last month.
It’s a very nice looking game but does feel unfinished. The flying levels are good but too few and seemingly tacked on. The animation and graphics are great and the world is fun to explore. However, although everything works fine it just feels unfinished. For example, Fox can actually vary his attacks with a tilt of the stick, but none is more powerful or effective than just mashing A. Compare this to Zelda, where the is a point to Link’s different attacks (chops, jabs, slashed or jumping attacks) that can get past different defences and due more damage. It’s little things like that that I found disappointing; it was clearly planned but never implemented. Btw, was the voice acting localised? In the PAL version the star Fox team all have American accents but the dinosaurs all have regional British accents. I found it funny, coming from the UK, as I’m sure to the Americans playing it the dinosaurs all sounded quite unusual, but hearing a mammoth with a Scottish accent or a stegosaurus that sounds like a farmer was quite amusing!
It was a pretty game to look at, but it never hooked me, and not because it wasn't a traditional, flight-centered StarFox game; I was absolutely fine with the idea of exploring its world early on; I liked the concept and I expected a great time out of it.
Unfortunately, that outcome just didn't happen. I didn't hate the game, I just felt apathetic toward it before long. Perhaps the deal breaker was the inane tasks you had to do to help the mammoths. Videogames often give you fetch quests and the like, but those really made me (and as I recall, at least one reviewer back then) stop and say, "How stupid and utterly helpless ARE these NPCs?" The bottom line is, A) even a small child wouldn't be as inept as some of those creatures, and B) such tasks simply weren't fun.
I really enjoyed this game back in the day. Borrowed it off a friend and never completed it, I would love to go back and give it another go!
@Clyde_Radcliffe Wrong. Putting Starfox characters was a good decision after the flop of Jet Force Gemini due to its bland looking characters. And Miyamoto didn't force anything. He only suggested to put Fox. The developers accepted but they were free to refuse. It's their decision in the end even if it's more popular to bash Miyamoto.
@RayWillmott The N64 Beta just came out you can download it and play it on Project 64 or through an Everdrive 64 on the original hardware. Seems the game was rather close to release minus bug fixes and implementation of a few quest items. I'd say within a year the N64 modding community will have it up and running in a complete state.
As for Starfox Adventures, I think Nintendo owns the full rights to the game. I'm not sure if they'd have to remove a few Rareware specific things like Rare has to do with Nintendo references in their games. But, if there is a will Nintendo will make a way! Would love to see some older Gamecube games get a re-release on Switch.
@Beatrice My issue with the game was it needed another year in the oven. The first half of the game is excellent and some of the best gaming moments ever! But, the 2nd half is horridly rushed to a rather poorly telegraphed final boss. But, we have to also understand the pressure Nintendo and Rareware were under to finish the game as it came out right before the sale of Rareware to Microsoft was finalized. And at that point, it would have been more expensive to remove Starfox from the game and roll it back to the earlier script than it would have been for Microsoft to just can the game. For that reason, I'm glad Nintendo and Rareware were committed to releasing the game at all rather than scraping a rather excellent title because of "business reasons."
Considering what happened to Sabreman Stampede and their KI3 pitch... it was probably better we got a flawed if great game than the reality of not at all if they could not finish it before the sale. I think the only two games that made the transition from Gamecube were Grabbed by the Ghoulies, Perfect Dark Zero and Kameo. And Kameo had a very turbulent road to get released at all.
I think this game has been WAY overly bashed and hated on and the main people responsible were/still are bitter Nintendo fans knowing this was Rare’s last game ever on a Nintendo console. By the time the game finally released we all knew about the sale of Rare to Microsoft. So fans felt betrayed and wanted to hate Rare for “selling out”. And talk about a match made in Hell? Rare could not have gone to a parent company who could’ve squandered their talents and tarnished their IP worse than Micro$haft! It was also arguably Nintendo’s biggest mistake ever as well. They went from having essentially double the amount of AAA exclusives on N64 down to half as many without Rare’s games on GameCube.
Anyway back to the game itself. I own it, but have never beaten it. But one thing I will say is it’s absolutely gorgeous looking, even by today’s standards! It also has some cool mechanics and concepts. You can kinda tell it’s a mishmash of 2 different ideas/stories and that does detract from it a bit but it’s still easily an 8/10 game and STILL better than ANYTHING Rare have ever made under Microsoft for Xbox.
@SleeplessKnight We'll probably never get a straight answer why Nintendo did not buy Rareware based on comments by the Stamper Brothers. This was probably a Yamauchi decision and I highly doubt the higher-ups at Nintendo from that time would really want to comment on it because it'd be seen as disrespectful.
As for my assumption, it could be because Rareware was in a bit of a decline. Jet Force Gemini and Donkey Kong 64 got mixed reviews and sales were not there with Banjo Tooie despite it being beloved by fans and critics. And based on the output Rare had under Microsoft it's hard to say Nintendo made a bad choice considering their stable of IPs is already larger than they can realistically develop or publish a new entry for each one. But, maybe with Nintendo's guiding hand games like Perfect Dark Zero, Kameo and Banjo Kazooie 3 (Nuts and Bolts) maybe would have turned out different. Grabbed by the Ghoulies would have probably gotten cult status on the Cube because it is a rather fun title even if it got a critical paddling.
Loved this game
Still a great looking game even today. The Arwing sections "blew" me away back in 2002, setting my hopes ridiculously high for a more traditional Star Fox game. So when Assault arrived it was an initial let down, simply from the graphics.
The gameplay of Adventures was competent and had just enough to it, to justify the game. Except a few sections that were more frustration than Adventure. Glad Rare had a good go, i would have loved to have seen them handle a pure space shooter Star Fox, but that wasn't to be.
It was November 2002 and I was deep in my first year at Uni. I left my PS2 at home and took my GameCube with me because it was a lot easier to transport on the train!
I'm not a big lover of Mario games and Eternal Darkness was decent enough but I wanted an adventure game to get my teeth into. Metroid Prime wasn't out until March and Wind Waker in May.
Thus, I purchased Starfox Adventures and loved every minute of it. Its not the greatest game ever but the dungeon variety kept me occupied enough until Christmas. And oh, was it a looker. Starfox Adventures had graphics that were head and shoulders above the PS2 at the time, with fur effects that rivalled Pixar movies. Badmouth the gameplay all you like but SA was a technical masterpiece of the fledgling GameCube.
It would be great if Nintendo re-release star fox adventure
Great game I liked how rare maid the characters more out there
And the game play was a nice touch as
And the flight sections was very cool as that was the way you get to other planets and not just for a quick blast.
And graphics were up there as well at the time I thought it was one of the best looking games out there.
Just hope Nintendo do a HD version soon.
I feel two ways about the game. Through all the mishap of SFA's creation, I surprisingly enjoyed the game if nothing for the fact it expanded the SF canon as I always wanted Fox to visit new worlds, which may call for him to exist the Arwing at times. The biggest prob I had back then was the constant delays from when it was just Dinosaur Planet on N64 and the unfortunate transitions it undertook.
Really miss the era when nintendo made more adventure games that are challenging and unique
For the people into Zelda style games the consider Star Fox Adventures was a good appetizer before the main course that is The Legend of Zelda: The Wink Waker.
Star Fox Adventures was such a great game. One of the top games on the Gamecube for sure. I liked it even more than Wind Waker!
@Caboose1979 Seriously lol, IMO Starfox fits the bill perfectly, his design isn't a million miles away from Saber, and I have no doubt if Rare showed of Timber in Dinosaur Planet initially all the Nintendo gamers would have been complaining about the move to Saber! So Rare were in a no win situation with the state of the community.
The StarFox character designs produced by the DP team are exquisite and suit Dinosaur Planet perfectly - I feel the StarFox branding has been used as a scapegoat for Nintendo fanboys and a few Rare designers for too long on this game, without looking at the overall game design issue in 2002 - we were suffering from collectathon and backtracking fatigue. I remember quitting the game in 2003 because I was fed up, bored with the classic Rare 3D game formula - however 18 years grace has actually made this a good one, it shows how much a stinker Yookalaylee is.
Star Fox Adventures is now arguably the pinnacle of Rare's Explorathon/collectathon releases - I played it recently on Wii U (via mClassic - stunning) and because it had been so long since I last played an old school Rare 3D game in this style it felt fresh and very enjoyable to play.
@SleeplessKnight I never understood why Nintendo fans hated Rare's sale. Like where they all stupid???
I remember reading about the mass exodus of staff during Perfect Dark and other games in 2000, Rare had got stuck in a rut, and alot of the new guys in, for better or worse, were picking up the pieces and did their best to imitate what came before. It was such an easy decision to sell.
I will say Rare's resurgence with Sea of Thieves, their most ambitious title to date has really has me excited for their future.
Ordered a Everdrive for my N64 a few Days ago when it was back in Stock and also Starfox Adventures.
Will play them Side by Side.
Both were on my List for a longer Time and now it is a bezzer Excuse to waste that Money
Really hope Nintendo keeps both the Star Fox and F-Zero series going eventually and expands upon them. Even remastering/repurposing Star Fox Zero for Switch with new controls for now and maybe a new 2D F-Zero sequel could suffice in the meantime in lieu of something wholly grand & new.
I think exploring these franchises in new ways would be refreshing. I'm probably in the minority of people who actually really enjoyed Star Fox Adventures and could see something similar being done with Captain Falcon & F-Zero as a way to really flesh out or add to that property's, characters, world & lore.
Meanwhile Star Fox could do something different like go the route of that rumoured aerial vehicular space racing game- I'm thinking something akin to Diddy Kong Racing with a bigger focus on weapons & battle, which has also been underrated and neglected imo. Just some thoughts (and hopes)!
@NImH Old comment I know lol. But seriously, that wasn't your issue, you thought it was, as it is very easy to blame a scapegoat for not enjoying something without actually accepting fundamental issues with the game design - Fox McCloud was used by fans as an excuse, but a character does not hide the gameplay. Star Fox is a well developed and impeccably designed character by Rare, easily the best ever Star Fox design, the rest of the Star Fox team fit brilliantly into Star Fox Adventures.
I enjoy playing Star Fox Adventures now but in 2002 I didn't, it was very meh. The big reason was - it followed Rare's collectathon template which had became very stale, with oft not ideal backtracking, fetch quests, obstacle courses, I remember also thinking how stupid is it that to get to the shop you literally have to complete an... obstacle course, and not only that but the shop was needlessly large but this was all typical of old Rare design, Donkey Kong 64, Banjo Tooie all fell flat for becoming laborious for the same reasons.
But now 2021, for me SFA feels fresh and enjoyable. Fox McCloud slots perfectly into place and really the same types of people gave out about Mario being in karts in 1990 on SNES. MARIO IS A PLATFORMER NOT A KART RACER. See, inherently gamers are not open to change and the Switch community certainly shows that with the mention of Switch Lite causing unheard of trauma and now the growing amount of Switch Pro rumours causing even more fury amongst fans.
With fresh eyes I can say Star Fox Adventures is the best game of old Rare by a country mile.
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