There are plenty of ways of connecting your Dreamcast to a TV set or monitor, including SCART, composite, VGA and – thanks to the wonders of modern technology – even HDMI. Many people continue to swear by component cables, mainly because they can be twinned with upscalers like the RetroTink 4K to produce a pin-sharp image on flatscreen TVs.
One of the best companies operating in this sector at present is HD Retrovision, which is currently putting the finishing touches to its Dreamcast component cable. This particular cable has been in development for a while, and the team recently ran into an issue which has delayed production.
"We discovered a quirk impacting VGA video (being used to derive the component video) that was causing content to be shifted in some cases," says the company's official social media account. "We settled on a fix and are rewriting some code, testing, and deploying. Once that's complete, we should be able to ship the new parts to the factory and get this thing moving."
HD Retrovision has been working with esteemed engineer Voultar to remedy the problem, and he's pretty bullish about the end product's quality.
"My friends, the best Dreamcast component cables are coming," he says on social media. "I'm telling you all, the wait has been worth it. The HD Retrovision Dreamcast YPbPr cables do things that no other cable does, period. I've worked very closely with the boys to get this right. You WILL be happy."
Keep your eye on the HD Retrovision Twitter account for more updates.