Japanese company Archipel – which is focused on celebrating the history of game development in the country – recently held its Archipel Caravan event in Tokyo.
During the event, a live talk between former Capcom staffers Shinji Mikami and Hideki Kamiya took place, and the pair covered a lot of ground.
Twitter user @Genki_JPN covers a lot of the key points below, but the big takeaway for us is that Mikami – who directed the original Resident Evil and one of its most celebrated sequels, Resident Evil 4 – stated that he's not interested in returning to the series again.
Since leaving Capcom, Mikami has had roles at PlatinumGames and Tango Gameworks, the latter being a studio he founded. He has since left Tango Gameworks, where he made The Evil Within and The Evil Within 2.
Another interesting point to note is that Kamiya, who recently parted company with PlatinumGames, is keen to return to the Viewtiful Joe series for a third entry.
It's also noted that Dino Crisis never comes up during the chat, which is a surprise when you consider how much ground Mikami and Kamiya cover. It would seem the series isn't at the forefront of Mikami's mind, which is a shame, as we'd love to see a new entry.