While it's always tempted to think of museums as physical spaces, it's possible to have the same kind of information online – and that's what Japanese games writer Akira Yamashita is doing with his latest venture.
Yamashita has launched Classic Game World Museum, a site which aims to cover some of the more obscure gaming platforms released during the 1980s.
"More than 40 years have passed since I started working as a game writer," says Yamashita on the site's introduction page.
"When I started writing the first manuscript in 1983, game magazines were just starting to emerge, there was no Internet, and there was very little information about computer games in the world. Time has passed since then, and computer games have now established themselves as a form of entertainment, and you can read a plethora of introductory articles and comments on them in books and on the internet. As someone who lived in the 1980s, I can say that the era that I dreamed of has arrived."
Yamashita has spent years "steadily collecting materials related to home video games," and the site "is the embodiment" of his "unfinished business.''
He notes that the site will likely take some time to grow, as it is just a "hobby."