Earlier this year, teenage Tetris player Willis "Blue Scuti" Gibson made headlines by becoming the first person to reach the NES version's "kill screen" in 34 years – a point in the game where a crash means further progress isn't possible.
While Gibson's achievement has been overtaken since then, with fellow teen Alex Thach (AKA Alex T) setting an insanely high score on the game by avoiding the kill screen trigger, he's become something of an internet celebrity off the back of his feat, something that was achieved in the wake of his father's tragic death.
Gibson's amazing talent has led to an encounter with the man who made the game, Alexey Pajitnov, as well as Henk Rogers, who was instrumental in securing the rights to the game for Nintendo and helped establish The Tetris Company, allowing Pajitnov to finally profit from his amazing creation.
At a special anniversary event in LA – as reported by VGC's Andy Robinson – Pajitnov and Rogers met Gibson in person. The trio had previously chatted online, not long after Gibson hit the headlines.
The story of Tetris has recently been dramatised in an Apple movie.