We've seen a lot of community-made ports of famous games to new platforms recently, all made possible by the fact that talented hackers have taken apart the source code, enabling native versions of titles like Zelda, GTA III and DOOM 64.
It looks like the Dreamcast is going to get its own port of Super Mario 64, too.
Dreamcast developer falco_girgis has released footage of the game running on "the latest GCC 14.1.0 toolchain and the tips of the KallistiOS and GLdc master branches", and while there are still some kinks to iron out – the most pressing being audio – the project is already at a very promising stage indeed.
"Performance is fantastic, but we have some Z-fighting and audio issues that need to be sorted out, plus like... Mario looks like a biker dude with that 'stache...Oh well, still looks better than it did on N64," says falco_girgis.
Released alongside the N64 in 1996, Super Mario 64 is considered to be one of the greatest video games of all time. It was previously ported to the Nintendo DS as a launch title, and is available on Switch, too.