Reading some US-centric accounts of the "great" video game crash of 1983, you'd be mistaken for thinking that the UK was also wrapped up in the disaster that ended up drastically shrinking the home console market across North America, but nothing could really be further from the truth.
A big part of the reason for this was due to the dominance of home computers (as opposed to home consoles) in the region. This included most notably the ZX Spectrum, BBC Micro, and Commodore 64. These machines typically entered the homes under the pretense of being a personal computer for the whole family but were used by many primarily as a platform for gaming.
Recently, we've been reading through some old magazines to see how the press reacted to the video game crash at the time, and something we wanted to explore is "How did UK magazines cover the video game crash, if at all?" And funnily enough, while we could find countless references across US magazines, the only clear reference to the crash we came across was in Computer Video & Games Issue 25 from November 1983, in an article called, "Is This The End Of The Great Video Game Boom?"
This article references the recent trend in the US where "sales of low cost micros have plummeted and the market for TV games has all but vanished" and also argues the UK might follow by December of the same year. But, by the end of the article, the fear-mongering appears to stop, with the magazine mentioning enthusiastically that British gamers may see cheaper software from the American company Commodore, thanks to the ongoing price war.
After that, the crash is barely mentioned in UK magazines from the period at all, with one less direct reference being found in Personal Computer Games Magazine Issue 03 from February 1984, in the two-paragraph article called "Atari Breakout". This article refers to Atari as an "ailing video game giant" and reports on the formation of Atarisoft, an attempt at recovery whereby it would start making its own conversions to its games for other micro computers.
Growing up in the UK, it was always weird seeing dramatic accounts from US writers and YouTubers about how video games had temporarily disappeared off the face of the planet until the Nintendo Entertainment System emerged a few years later. Especially if you speak to the people who lived through it in the UK, they'll probably just ask you "What crash?" and start telling you about all the games that they were playing at the time.
What games were you playing during the video game crash? Let us know in the comments!
Comments 7
My experience was that I didn't even know there was a crash and tbh, had pretty much no clue what was going on outside of the UK market. By '83-'84 I was moving over from the Atari 2600 to the micros (Speccy and C64), anyway, and from what I could see by the mags of the day and trips to the shops things were booming, over here. Even by the time of the ST and Amiga there was still plenty of stuff to get.
The C&VG article (which was in November 1983 — not January) describes the changeover of the US market to something more like what was found in the UK — a preference for computers that could do more (and play better games).
Commodore's aggressive price cuts made the C64 cost-competitive with the game systems. The glut of games for the Atari 2600 had caused financial issues for many companies that released video games (and especially those that only released games for the Atari 2600). There were also far too many game systems on the market in the US that could be supported by consumers (Atari 2600, 5200, Colecovision, Intellivision, Odyssey 2 — as well as the Astrocade, the Emerson Arcadia 2001, and the Vectrex). Warner's bad financial reporting and outcomes had soured investment. So bankruptcy and retreat from the market became quite common in 1983 and 1984 for almost all companies.
I was extremely young at the time so have no personal recollection of the time of the ‘crash’ in the UK, but on reflection it’s interesting that I clearly remember the SEGA Master System being advertised on tv in the 80s, however the NES was much rarer (though I remember seeing them in shops on occasion). When console gaming started to take off over here it was the opposite of the US, where the NES was king and the Master System the underdog. In the UK it was the other way round due to Nintendo pretty much ignoring Europe and that allowed SEGA to get a foothold. Even in the 90s I knew exactly one person with a SNES; everyone else had a Mega Drive.
I remember in the early to mid 90s being at two separate school friend’s houses where we found a NES boxed up in the attic. It was like a scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark!
On the flip side I started with a Spectrum and although I remember not being impressed with it compared to what consoles could do (long loading times and limited colours vs the smooth play of NES games and the colours and graphics of Master System games) the games were so cheap; £2-£5 compared to £20+ on the consoles!
@mike_intv Ah good spot. Corrected! I misread my notes. The January 1984 issue is another that mentions Atarisoft and 'Brand new frontiers' for Atari.
Glad to help. I've been a reporter — so I know that misreading notes can happen.
Also, I think it is instructive because too many people without an international perspective think what happened in the United States/North America was global.
I was very young at the time, so I was unaware of the crash at all, even though I'm an American. I got my first console, an NES, in 1988, and by then the market had fully recovered.
I have noticed that in recent years, video producers and writers have done a much better job of correctly framing the event as the "North American Video Game Crash" and not simply the crash, as it was clearly limited to the U.S. and Canada. The home console market was absolutely booming in Japan at the time, and Europe was an entirely different story. Of course, creators who grew up in the USA view everything through that lens, and forget that there are other places where things went very differently.
I don't think the crash affected here much. I was playing a 2600 when the news on the TV was over about it.😷
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