Remember Paprium? An incredible-looking Sega Genesis / Mega Drive scrolling fighter from the team behind the Wii U eShop RPG Pier Solar (which, incidentally, also began life on Sega's 16-bit system), it was announced over a year ago with a proposed launch in late 2017 - a launch that never happened.
Creator WaterMelon cited issues with PayPal for causing the delay - the studio effectively crowdfunded the game by accepting pre-order payments in March last year - and this year it was stated that a production issue was causing problems. Still, Paprium has fallen off the radar somewhat (we pre-ordered a copy for $90 in March 2017 and have had no email communication regarding any delay) and this has predictably led some to suggest that all is not well behind the scenes:
Keen to learn more, we got in touch with the game's co-creator, Luis Martins. During the day, Martins works for Ubisoft as a senior lighting designer and can count AAA games such as Rise Of The Tomb Raider, Deus Ex, For Honor and WatchDogs 2 on his CV, but in his spare time he is (or, more accurately, was) Paprium's main artist and art director.
Martins gave us the following statement:
That Tweet is a bit sensational. True, WaterMelon owner Gwenael "Fronzie" Godde is a guy who lacks all transparency and communication care or skills.
The game was announced by WaterMelon to be released later this year. At least that’s his plan. I already voiced my opinion on WaterMelon's lack of responsibility and the fact that I came to learn that a lot of people where missing payments through the years for some of their later works - including myself.
Paprium is a product co-created by myself while collaborating with WaterMelon, and I want it to be released ASAP. It has been out of my control for some time now, and this is why I have been upset. That said, I’ll have to wait and see what Godde will do to release a game that fans have been waiting for far too long.
The great news is that there are many more Sega Genesis games on the way, like Crypt Of Dracula, which I'm supporting. The Sega Genesis community is growing and we are all sharing knowledge and support. From the likes of Xeno Crisis and Tanglewood, we are all friends and are sharing support. Look forward to great things coming your way!
WaterMelon's Facebook page states that refunds are being given to anyone who asks.
Have you already paid for your copy of Paprium? Are you happy to wait a little longer for this amazing-looking game, or have you already demanded a refund? Let us know with a comment.
This article was originally published by on Thu 17th May, 2018.
Comments 23
I’ve... never heard nor seen this game until now! Whoa.
Ah, yes. I remember this one now. Still looks great and like something that I would want to play, but the name on the other hand, still sounds like something that you should go see the doctor for...
I have a friend who preordered it and I was thinking about it myself before abandoning the idea for lack of money, but now I'm worried for my friend's money.
‘Look our for many more things coming your way’. Seriously, do they expect people to trust what they’re doing after all went quiet with the first one?
I really wanted this game but I do back stuff on kickstarter or anything similar as a rule. Too many simply fail to eventuate.
@ottospooky Xenocrisis and tanglewood are not watermelon games...
This game looks great, but I was always too wary to actually order it. Much as I love the idea of a new Mega Drive or SNES game, I would probably rather pay £15 for it as an eShop game.
Xeno Crisis looks great and Tanglewood looks like it might be decent too. Crypt of Dracula doesn't really look like my bag though.
"Fonzie - Watermelon's CEO"
Well, there's your problem.
I've never heard of this until now, but that commercial....that alone deserved to be kickstarted! It's like stepping into a time machine. I need cereal made with foam rubber dubbed "marshmallows" suddenly.
@MagicEmperor Lucky you, i've been in since day one five years ago and already seen three release dates come and go, maybe four.
@Moroboshi876 he can get a refund at any time he wishes, so can i but i've been waiting five years and i want this flipping game.
The looooooooooooooooooooooooooongest drawn out saga of ridiculous events ever in the history of making a game. just give us some solid information and a game. I've been in this for five years now.
Looks good, glad I didn't pre-order it though. Sadly stuff like this is what makes Kickstarters hard to support though I've done 3 of them.
Do not care about this at all... just came to read community’s comments.
@YANDMAN Oof. Yeah... My sympathies.
So is this about a game delayed for current systems, or for the Genesis/Mega Drive? It looks like a spiritual successor to Streets of Rage to me.
@ottospooky It means, look forward to manny other Sega Genesis games coming out from other talented teams. Not WM !
If it fails to launch this fall i will be extremely upset, this is a lesson learned from now on i will be more cautious when preordering or crowdfunding.
I hated that Pier Solar never was discounted, I would've bought it. Oh well...
Looks very Streets of Rage. I'll probably play it if it ever releases.
@wratih9 This isn't a Kickstarter.
@Handsomistic15 It's a Megadrive exclusive and it based on a new type of board making it the biggest most powerful game for the system....apparently. But from what little video exists it certainly does look like it could be on Neo Geo.
@YANDMAN I see. Thanks for the response.
WATA graded Paprium just hit the eBay market.
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