Sega's final throw of the hardware dice before it became a third-party publisher, the Dreamcast only sold 9.13 million units worldwide – that's less than the Nintendo Wii U – yet its impact is somehow much greater than that figure would suggest. Today, it is fondly remembered by fans as one of the greatest home consoles of all time thanks to its impressive library of titles and its forward-thinking approach to technology.
While few would argue that Sega really nailed online play with the Dreamcast, it was the first home console to come with a modem as standard, and laid down the foundations for online gaming as we know it today. The Dreamcast was also the first console to utilise PC-style internal components – something that has become commonplace in the modern world of gaming. Finally, it was host to an amazing selection of games, but it is perhaps the arcade ports from Sega which made the system truly shine.
Despite its modest sales figures, it's actually harder than you think to create a list of must-have Dreamcast games, purely because there are so many titles that are worth your time. Oh, and the list below isn't static – your votes can impact the ranking, so don't forget to vote for your favourite games.
40. Capcom vs. SNK 2: Mark of the Millennium 2001 (Dreamcast)
Capcom and SNK were bitter rivals during most of the '90s, so it was quite a shock when the two joined forces to create Capcom vs. SNK: Millennium Fight 2000. A 'Pro' version followed shortly afterwards (both versions received a Dreamcast port), but this sequel is unquestionably the best of the bunch. It pulls together some of the most famous characters in the fighting game arena – Ryu, Ken, Chun Li, Terry Bogard, Haohmaru, Kyo Kusanagi, to name just a few – and mixes things up with a selection of different fighting 'grooves' as well as some fantastic 3D backgrounds and a pumping soundtrack. A Japanese exclusive on Dreamcast, Capcom vs. SNK 2 would eventually get a global release on the PS2, Xbox and GameCube.
39. Power Stone 2 (Dreamcast)
The original Power Stone marked the beginning of Capcom's tight relationship with the Dreamcast and was arguably one of the best early releases for the console. It followed it up with a much-improved sequel, which boosted the number of players from two to four, creating a manic party game which is still an absolute blast to play. In Power Stone 2, each player must navigate a 3D arena, using weapons to inflict damage on opponents while also seeking to claim the titular Power Stones; doing so triggers a time-limited transformation which sees your character's offensive power massively increase. While the single-player campaign will keep you busy for a while, Power Stone 2 truly excels as a multiplayer game. Just make sure you have four controllers! A PSP collection arrived a few years later which bundled the two games together, but since then, Capcom has sadly been reluctant to return to the franchise.
38. Virtua Tennis 2 (Dreamcast)
Despite the never-ending march of technology, there's a solid argument to say that tennis games haven't actually gotten much better than this. Virtua Tennis and this sequel are both infectiously playable, even by modern standards, purely because they get everything spot-on in terms of mechanics and controls. Granted, the 3D models in Virtua Tennis 2 look a little boxy today, but in motion, the game is silky-smooth and plays like a dream (no pun intended). Known as Power Smash 2 in Japan and Tennis 2K2 in North America, Virtua Tennis 2 also made its way to PlayStation 2.
37. Skies Of Arcadia (Dreamcast)
Compared to rival consoles, the Dreamcast is perhaps a little light on truly amazing JRPGs, but this seminal effort makes up for that to a degree. Set in a world composed of floating islands, Skies of Arcadia calls to mind real-world sea-faring adventures, placing you in the role of a plucky band of pirates as they take on an evil empire. Hours of gameplay, great music and an engaging storyline make this a true classic, while the unique nature of the ship-to-ship engagements helps it stand out from the crowd. Skies of Arcadia was later ported to the GameCube as Skies of Arcadia Legends.
36. Crazy Taxi 2 (Dreamcast)
To be fair, both Crazy Taxi games on the Dreamcast are worth your time, but we've picked the second one as it has some new features not present in the original. As before, your goal is to raise as much cash as possible by driving people around a city, but this time around you're able to pick up multiple passengers at once – and you can even jump over things to get to your destination faster. There are also eight drivers to select from here, rather than four. One of the crown jewels in the Dreamcast library, Crazy Taxi 2 is one of those games that literally anyone can pick up and play. Like Capcom's Power Stone titles, Crazy Taxi 1 & 2 were later bundled up for release on Sony PSP in the form of Crazy Taxi: Fare Wars.
35. Shenmue (Dreamcast)
Yu Suzuki's magnum opus, Shenmue was billed as the most expensive video game of its time, with a rumoured cost of between $47 and $70 million (this is understood to also have included the cost of the sequel, which is also on Dreamcast). Offering the kind of real-world immersion that simply hadn't been witnessed in 1999, Shenmue mixes the marvellous with the mundane to create a truly groundbreaking experience, infused with a one-of-a-kind ambience that arguably hasn't been replicated since. Many will argue that the aforementioned sequel is superior, but the original game was such a revelation, it must surely go down as the one you need to play first.
34. Metropolis Street Racer (Dreamcast)
The work of Bizarre Creations, which, up to this point, was most famous for Sony's F1 games, Metropolis Street Racer is the forerunner to Microsoft's Project Gotham series. It has a focus on real-world cars and urban circuits, and the goal is to demonstrate your skilful driving by earning 'Kudos' points. Detailed recreations of London, Tokyo and San Francisco lend the game an authentic feel, and, with over 260 possible track layouts, the game offers staggering replayability. Even by modern standards, Metropolis Street Racer looks great, but it's the tight controls which really set it apart. Richard Jacques' music is also a highlight.
33. Jet Set Radio (Dreamcast)
The game that gave the world 'cel-shading', Jet Set Radio (Jet Grind Radio in North America, due to a licencing issue) was one of the games that summed up not just the Dreamcast, but Sega itself. Effortlessly cool, it looks like a cartoon in motion, while the soundtrack – a mix of licenced songs and Hideki Naganuma's original work – has lost none of its potency over the decades (although some of the tracks added to the western version feel curiously at odds with Naganuma's work). While the camera controls are hard to master due to the lack of a second analogue stick on the Dreamcast control pad, Jet Set Radio is a delight to play; it inspired an Xbox sequel in the form of Jet Set Radio Future, which is equally beloved today.
32. Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (Dreamcast)
Regarded by many fighting game fans as one of the best video games ever made, Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike is the third update of Street Fighter III, and reintroduces fan-favourites like Chun-Li whilst refining the core gameplay. The 'Parry' move – which allows players to counterattack if they get their timing spot-on – is improved here, while the insanely smooth animation, gorgeous visuals and wonderful soundtrack round off the package. 3rd Strike remains popular on the eSports circuit even today, which is a strong indication of its quality. You can play it on modern systems via the excellent Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection.
31. Rez (Dreamcast)
Produced by Tetsuya Mizuguchi of Sega Rally fame, Rez is a rail shooter which is similar to Sega stablemates Space Harrier and Panzer Dragoon, but with a strong focus on marrying the on-screen action with music. Set within a Tron-style world where you must take on a malevolent AI, Rez is short but undeniably sweet and has earned considerable critical acclaim since its release (thanks in no small part to a HD remaster in 2008 and the expanded, VR-ready Rez Infinite in 2016). A timeless classic.
30. Cosmic Smash (Dreamcast)
A relatively late release in the Dreamcast library, Cosmic Smash could arguably sum up exactly what was wrong with Sega's approach to the system; at first glance, it's a pretty bare-bones port of the arcade game of the same name, and doesn't appear to offer much in the way of longevity. However, it soon becomes apparent that there are hidden depths here – multiple routes can be taken through the game, for example – and as a short-burst piece of entertainment, Cosmic Smash certainly does the job. It's a shame that there's no two-player mode, but even so, this is another must-have import release for the Dreamcast – and one that has never been published on any other home platform, making this a true exclusive in every sense of the word.
29. Ikaruga (Dreamcast)
Could this be Treasure's most famous and acclaimed game? Quite possibly. On the surface, it looks like your typical vertically-scrolling shmup, but the difference here is that you can change the colour (or 'polarity') of your ship, making it invincible against certain bullets. In addition to this, switching to the opposite polarity of an enemy (white vs. black, or vice versa) allows you to inflict more damage. Getting the hang of toggling between the two colours is all part of Ikaruga's intense challenge, and while it's shorter than its spiritual predecessor Radiant Silvergun, it feels like a tighter and more gripping experience overall. A Japanese exclusive on Dreamcast, Ikaruga was quickly ported to the GameCube, and has since been released on modern formats, too.
28. Soulcalibur (Dreamcast)
Namco was instrumental in the early success of the original PlayStation thanks to its range of stunning coin-op ports, so when it was confirmed that the Japanese company was bringing its Soul Blade / Edge sequel Soulcalibur to Dreamcast, many Sega fans assumed the system was about to take over the world. As it turns out, Namco's support for the console waned quickly, but at least it gave us this remarkable one-on-one fighter. Soulcalibur's visuals were a revelation at the time of release, effortlessly rivalling anything the arcade scene could produce (it actually looked better than the arcade version, which was based on the weaker, PlayStation-based Namco System 12 board). However, it's Namco's efforts to expand the home port which make this a classic; there's so much content to unlock you'll be playing this for weeks. Subsequent entries in the series have improved on the formula, but Soulcalibur retains a special place in our hearts.
27. Ferrari F355 Challenge (Dreamcast)
Billed at the time of release as the most accurate simulation of what it's like to drive an actual Ferrari F335 sports car, Yu Suzuki's Ferrari F355 Challenge is based on the arcade game of the same name, which used the Dreamcast-based NAOMI board but offered three separate monitors, giving players a true 'widescreen' perspective of the cockpit (the machine is, in reality, powered by four different NAOMI boards: three for the screens and one syncing them together). The home version lacks this immersive feature but is almost identical in every other respect, offering a racer which neatly straddles the divide between arcade driving and realistic simulation.
26. Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age Of Heroes (Dreamcast)
The first Marvel vs. Capcom used Capcom's CPS-2 board, and was an early Dreamcast release. This sequel is built on Sega's Dreamcast-based NAOMI tech, which means this home port is essentially arcade perfect. The team-based combat system returns, alongside a dazzling cast of characters from the worlds of Marvel and Capcom. The Japanese version required players to use the arcade version to unlock credits which, via the Dreamcast VMU, could be applied against the home port. Thankfully, this feature was removed for the western versions of the game, as it made it quite difficult to obtain the full roster. Marvel vs. Capcom 2 was later ported to Xbox and PlayStation 2, and would get a HD remaster on Xbox 360 and PS3. It remains a firm favourite on the competitive circuit, despite being a little unbalanced and chaotic in nature.
25. The King of Fighters: Dream Match 1999 (Dreamcast)
SNK's King of Fighters series was as popular – if not more so – than Capcom's efforts during part of the 1990s, and King of Fighters '98 is seen as the high point of the entire series by many. Dream Match 1999 is a Dreamcast exclusive and is basically the '98 edition with improved 3D backgrounds and some other extras, such as a lavishly animated introduction by Digimation K.K., which would later merge with Gonzo studio. The Dreamcast would later receive ports of King of Fighters '99, King of Fighters 2000, King of Fighters 2001 and King of Fighters 2002, but this is generally considered to be the best of the bunch.
24. Cyber Troopers Virtual-On Oratorio Tangram (Dreamcast)
Based on the Sega Model 3 arcade title of the same name, Cyber Troopers Virtual-On: Oratorio Tangram's home port is another case of the console version being a perfect match for the coin-op. Blistering action, stunning visuals and a great soundtrack all combine to create one of the best arena-based combat titles on any format; it's only the lack of a twin-stick control method that gets in the way, and even then, you still have the option of investing in the dedicated (and expensive) Dreamcast 'Twin Stick' controller, built almost exclusively with this title in mind and released only in Japan.
23. Phantasy Star Online (Dreamcast)
Notable for being the first online RPG for a console, Phantasy Star Online allows up to four players to join forces over the internet in order to take part in quests and collect loot. Overseen by Yuji Naka's Sonic Team, the game served as a tantalising demonstration of the power of connected gaming, years before online play became the norm on consoles. Based on the JRPG series of the same name but blessed with fast, real-time combat, Phantasy Star Online's impact cannot be understated. While the official servers were closed in 2010, it is still possible to play online using private, fan-run servers. The game was ported to GameCube and Xbox alongside 'Version 2', and sequels have appeared in the years since, the most recent being Phantasy Star Online 2, which arrived in 2012 and is still getting updates as of 2021.
22. NFL 2K2 (Dreamcast)
Sega of America was painfully aware that strong sports titles were a must if the Dreamcast was to succeed in North America, and it duly purchased Visual Concepts in 1999 with the objective of creating a stable of games based on popular sports. NFL 2K2 was the final American Football outing on the Dreamcast before Sega shifted to third-party publishing, and was showered with praise upon release thanks to its wonderful visuals and rewarding gameplay. Visual Concepts was purchased by Take-Two Interactive in 2005, and the NFL 2K series would continue on other systems until 2004, when EA signed a deal with the NFL which gave it exclusive rights, preventing any other publisher from using the brand.
21. Space Channel 5 (Dreamcast)
Prior to working on Rez, a game that many still consider to be his masterwork, Tetsuya Mizuguchi created the Space Channel 5 series for the Dreamcast. It's a rhythm action game which places the player in the role of space reporter Ulala, who is sent to investigate an alien invasion by copying dance moves. It's gloriously campy in tone and an absolute hoot, as is the sequel, which arrived in 2002 and was ported to PS3. There's even a cameo appearance by the late Michael Jackson, and the game was subject to legal action in 2003, when Deee-Lite singer Kierin Magenta Kirby (AKA Lady Miss Kier) claimed that Sega had approached her to star in the game, and when she refused, they created a character in her likeness regardless. Sega was able to prove that the game was released in Japan the year prior to when Kier stated she was contacted, and that the developers had never heard of her or her music beforehand. In 2006, Kier lost her appeal and was forced to pay Sega's legal fees for the case. A VR instalment was released recently.
20. Seaman (Dreamcast)
A virtual pet simulation from the mind of Yoot Saito, Seaman is quite unlike any other video game you'll play. Player interaction is actually quite limited; the aim is to check in regularly on your 'Seaman' creature, which you can communicate with via the Dreamcast's microphone accessory (the game is unplayable without this device). Despite showering your creature with love, you'll often find that his reactions and responses are amusingly insulting. In a masterstroke, Leonard Nimoy is on hand to narrate the 'action', and it all adds up to a truly unique video game experience. A sequel was released on the PlayStation 2 in 2007.
19. Daytona USA 2001 (Dreamcast)
Pulling together every track from Daytona USA and the Saturn-exclusive Championship Circuit Edition and marrying them with visuals from the arcade-only Daytona USA 2, Daytona USA 2001 perhaps came a little too late to satisfy long-time fans of the franchise, but it's one of the best racing games on the Dreamcast. The controls take some tinkering before they work as expected (the analogue 'dead zone' is, by default, practically non-existent, but you can boost it in the options menu) and this is a game that really does benefit from a steering wheel, but fans of the coin-op will be well pleased with this.
18. Headhunter (Dreamcast)
Sega's attempt to muscle in on the action-adventure genre popularized by the likes of Metal Gear Solid, Headhunter places you in the shoes of the titular mercenary Jack Wade and is set in a near-future where the organs of criminals are harvested for wealthy patrons, and weapons are designed to incapacitate the victim rather than cause them physical harm. Mixing third-person sections with driving segments, Headhunter is one of the best examples of the genre on the Dreamcast and was duly ported to the PlayStation 2 in 2002. It was followed by a PS2 / Xbox sequel, Headhunter Redemption, in 2004, which was a critical flop and caused Sega to shutter Amuze, the studio behind the franchise.
17. NBA 2K2 (Dreamcast)
Unlike Visual Concept's NFL series, which only lasted until 2004 due to EA snapping up exclusive rights to the brand, NBA 2K has been getting yearly updates since 1999's Dreamcast exclusive NBA 2K. NBA 2K2 was the final game in the series to launch on Sega's console, and is one of the best sports titles of the era. Slick controls, eye-catching graphics and deep, rewarding gameplay make this a must-have for any self-respecting basketball fan – or anyone with a desire to play a decent multiplayer sports sim, for that matter.
16. Segagaga (Dreamcast)
Published just two days before the Dreamcast's official discontinuation on March 31, 2001, Segagaga can rightly claim to be the console's swansong. It's a JRPG which places you in control of Sega itself as it struggles to compete with the evil DOGMA corporation, which is clearly supposed to be Sony. Pulling in characters from Sega's history – including a rather forlorn Alex Kidd, who is reduced to working in the company's retail outlet following his fall from grace – Segagaga is something of a cult classic and was sadly never localised. Fans are currently hard at work on an unofficial translation, which should bring this hidden gem to a wider global audience.
15. ChuChu Rocket! (Dreamcast)
ChuChu Rocket! is the game that was built to 'sell' the idea of online gaming to the masses, and was seen as Sega's way of testing the potential of the Dreamcast's online servers. In Europe, it was even given away free to those who subscribed to the company's Dreamarena service. Four players compete to see who can 'save' the most mice by ferrying them into waiting rockets and avoiding the hostile cats. Infectiously playable and a real blast with friends, ChuChu Rocket! would also come to the Game Boy Advance, and was more recently released on smartphones.
14. Samba De Amigo (Dreamcast)
Shipping alongside a pair of bright orange maracas, Samba De Amigo is Sega doing what it does best – releasing commercially-doubtful arcade-based titles which are a hoot to play but sadly don't find the audience they deserve. At a time when the games industry was obsessed with 'mature' action titles rendered in several shades of grey and brown, Sega was producing games like this; an explosion of colour and sound that's an utter joy to play (even if setting up the control system is a pain in the backside). A Wii successor used the motion controls of that console to good effect, but sadly, it seems that the original Samba magic is likely to remain in the past.
13. Sonic Adventure 2 (Dreamcast)
The original Sonic Adventure was billed as the Dreamcast's killer app, and while it was enjoyable, bugs, control quirks and camera issues held it back from true greatness. Sonic Adventure 2 – released to coincide with the mascot's 10th birthday – fixes some of these issues, introducing more thrilling set-pieces, playable characters and locations. The camera is still a pain to wrestle with, of course, but this is a much-improved outing that was subsequently ported to the GameCube as Sonic Adventure 2: Battle.
12. Resident Evil - Code: Veronica (Dreamcast)
The first Resident Evil game to debut on non-Sony hardware, Resident Evil - Code: Veronica stars Chris and Clare Redfield as they attempt to survive a viral outbreak which is (wait for it) turning people into shambling zombies. Notable for being the first in the series to ditch pre-rendered backgrounds for full-3D locations, Code: Veronica was hailed as a franchise high point at release and even today ranks very highly in the Resident Evil family. It was ported to the PlayStation 2 as Resident Evil - Code: Veronica X in 2001, and the GameCube in 2003 under the same name. Code: Veronica X would also come to the Dreamcast, but only in Japan, under the title Code: Veronica Kanzenban; this can be played in English thanks to a fan translation.
11. Border Down (Dreamcast)
The Dreamcast may not have been blessed with quite as many shmups as its forerunner, the Saturn, but that's not to say that it didn't get some amazing ones. Border Down is a Japanese exclusive which is heavily inspired by Taito's cult classic Metal Black, and uses a unique difficulty setting. Each stage has three variations of difficulty, referred to as 'borders'. You begin on the easiest setting, with the game becoming increasingly harder as you lose lives. As well as being trickier to navigate, each 'border' offers unique enemies and stage layouts, adding to the game's replayability. Furthermore, the Dreamcast version has a special 'remix' mode not present in the original arcade edition, which enhances its longevity further. Border Down was never released outside of Japan and hasn't been reissued on any other system; this has contributed to it being one of the most expensive Dreamcast games on the secondary market.
10. Sega Rally 2 (Dreamcast)
Granted, this home port of Sega's popular arcade racer isn't perhaps as polished as it could be – it was clearly rushed to fill the Dreamcast's early window of titles – but Sega Rally 2 remains a blast to play. The frame rate can fluctuate at times but the power-sliding action remains intact; visually, it's a very close match to its arcade parent and is just as compellingly playable as ever.
9. The House Of The Dead 2 (Dreamcast)
The Saturn port of the original House of the Dead was never going to be arcade perfect, but Sega wasn't about to make the same mistake twice. House of the Dead 2 is practically identical to the coin-op, which means it looks fantastic, even by modern standards. Bundled with the Dreamcast light gun, this is one of the most thrilling examples of the genre – however, played with just the standard controller, it's a lot less compelling. Make sure you pick it up with a gun and play it on a CRT TV – light gun games won't work on modern LCD or OLED panels, sadly. It's also worth getting one of the Dreamcast's vibration packs, as this lends the lightgun some low-level force feedback.
8. Sega Bass Fishing (Dreamcast)
Known as Get Bass in Japan, Sega Bass Fishing shipped with its own dedicated fishing rod controller, which transforms a potentially dumb idea into complete genius. Using the aforementioned controller, you must lure various freshwater fish using bait before skillfully reeling them in, using the controller's motion-sensing powers to pull your line in different directions. Given that it's based on an arcade game, it would perhaps be unwise to expect much longevity with Sega Bass Fishing, but it remains one of the most addictive Dreamcast titles. An updated edition arrived much later on Wii, and a Dreamcast-only sequel – Sega Bass Fishing 2 – turned up in 2001. Spin-off title Sega Marine Fishing would launch in 2000.
7. Under Defeat (Dreamcast)
Sega may have pulled support for the Dreamcast in 2001, but that wasn't the end of the console by a long chalk. Thanks to the popularity of the NAOMI arcade standard, Dreamcast games were still released in the years following its termination, even if it was only a trickle rather than a flood. Under Defeat is one such title; a vertically-scrolling shmup from G.rev that arrived in arcades in 2005 and was ported to the Dreamcast the following year, and takes place in a World War II-style world where helicopters are the main weapon of attack. An updated version, dubbed Under Defeat HD, was released for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in 2012, and made it to the west.
6. Garou: Mark Of The Wolves (Dreamcast)
Part of the Fatal Fury series (it was even released under that banner in North America), Garou: Mark of the Wolves is held in very high regard by fighting game fans. Like Street Fighter III, much of its impact is down to the incredibly smooth animation, but underpinning that is one of the deepest and most rewarding fighting game systems the genre has ever seen. A cast of mostly-new characters is something else Garou shares with Street Fighter III; this is SNK at its very best, and a must-have fighter for the Dreamcast. You can get it on modern-day systems as a digital download, too.
5. Dead Or Alive 2 (Dreamcast)
Tecmo's Dead or Alive may have become a platform-spanning series today, but it's important to remember that it actually began life as Sega-focused game, as it used the same arcade hardware that powered Virtua Fighter 2 (the first home port was for the Saturn, too). It therefore shouldn't be that shocking that the sequel arrived in the home first on a Sega console, with Dead or Alive 2 pushing the Dreamcast to its limits. Even today, it's a feast for the eyes, not least thanks to the female fighter's gravity-defying chests. The ability to force opponents into other parts of the arena is another welcome addition that means Dead or Alive 2 is a real blast to play, and always has the potential to offer up a surprise. Later ported to the PlayStation 2, the game feels more at home on Sega's machine, if you ask us.
4. Quake III Arena (Dreamcast)
Ported by Raster, the Dreamcast version of Quake III can't quite compete with the PC original (you can only have four players at a time, whereas 16 people can compete in the computer version), but that doesn't mean it's not worth a look. When judged in the context of its time, it's downright remarkable that a console which cost a fraction of what a PC would retail for could replicate this kind of visual performance. Side-by-side, there's not a massive difference between the two versions in terms of presentation. The four-player split-screen mode might not be the ideal way to experience Quake III's deathmatch mode, but it's bloody good fun regardless.
3. Bangai-O (Dreamcast)
This 'bullet hell' blaster began life on the Nintendo 64, which saw only 10,000 copies produced for the Japanese market. Thankfully, Treasure spruced up Bangai-O and released it on Dreamcast, too, ensuring that its missile-heavy gameplay could be enjoyed by a wider audience. You control a mech – which looks tiny on-screen – and must navigate a series of levels while taking down enemies and avoiding their incoming fire. The diminutive nature of the graphics means that there's loads going on all at once, and nothing beats the thrill of unleashing your robot's missile attack, which fills the entire screen with projectiles.
2. The Typing Of The Dead (Dreamcast)
One of the many accessories Sega produced for the Dreamcast was a full QWERTY keyboard, a peripheral that was a requirement for any system that intended to access the internet. One of the upshots of this accessory was Typing of the Dead, a spin-off of House of the Dead 2 which sees players rapidly copying words to take down zombies. As the game progresses, the words become more complex and your touch-typing talents are seriously tested. Like so many of the console's best games, Typing of the Dead feels totally unique and blissfully accessible.
1. Virtua Fighter 3tb (Dreamcast)
It's well known that the first wave of Dreamcast titles didn't quite turn out as Sega would have hoped, and Virtua Fighter 3tb is no exception. It still feels rough around the edges, but it's easy to forgive these shortcomings once you actually play it. A highly technical fighting game with many layers of complexity, the 'tb' in the title refers to the game's 'team battle' mode, which was no doubt inspired by the popularity of SNK's King of Fighters series.
When did the Dreamcast launch?
The Dreamcast's release date was November 27th, 1998 in Japan. It was released in North American on September 9th, 1999 and in Europe on October 14th, 1999.
Is Dreamcast stronger than PS1?
Yes. Dreamcast arrived in 1998; by that point, PlayStation and Saturn were both four years old. Dreamcast was also more powerful than the Nintendo 64, which launched in 1996.
Because it launched when the PlayStation and N64 were still current, there are many games which were released across all three systems, with the Dreamcast version usually being the best in terms of visuals.
Was the PS2 or Dreamcast more powerful?
PlayStation 2 is more powerful than Dreamcast. As a platform that was released "between" hardware generations, Dreamcast wasn't as powerful as the PlayStation 2, GameCube or Xbox, all of which would arrive a few years later.
Why was Dreamcast unsuccessful?
There are multiple reasons for the Dreamcast's failure. Because Saturn flopped in the face of the PlayStation, Sega released Dreamcast earlier than it perhaps would have done; in 1998, PlayStation and N64 were still current systems and were getting amazing games. Dreamcast was technically superior to both, but couldn't boast its own Metal Gear Solid, Gran Turismo or Zelda: Ocarina of Time, and therefore struggled to tempt away enough Sony and Nintendo fans.
In addition to this, Sega was in dire financial trouble and needed Dreamcast to be a runaway success from day one. In Japan, sales began to dry up, and while the North American launch was successful, it ultimately wasn't enough; many people were happy to stick with their PlayStation and wait for the PlayStation 2 to arrive.
What was the last official Dreamcast game?
Shmup Karous arrived in Japan in 2007, and is the last official Dreamcast game – although homebrew and indie titles have been published on it since then, including Xeno Crisis.
Comments 36
Came to comment "Where's NFL 2K?" but you got it! Shenmue 2 is probably my favourite game of all time — I even have the tattoo to prove it!
@get2sammyb hello there
I love the look of this site and that's a great list, such a shame Sega Rally 2 was burdened with Windows CE back then but its still a very good game
Lots of titles on here I've just never heard of! Sad to see Evolution didn't make the cut, but honestly, I think my memories of that game are probably skewed thanks to nostalgia. It's been YEARS since I've given that series a go and I'd be curious to see if it's really held up!
@get2sammyb Do you really Sammy?! Need to see this someday!
You missed out THE greatest home console version of HYDROOOOOO THUNDER!
That post acopolyptic New York track at the end of the game……..
Idk, Rayman 2's kind of fun.
Solid list! Hype for Ikaruga, VIRTUAL ON, and 3rd Strike!
Absolutely adored my Dreamcast. I got it in june 2000 from a lady at my dad’s work for $80 with 13 games,4 controllers & vmu’s & a fishing rod. Great purchase it was like new & still works excellently today as I was just playing Tony Hawk 2 & Crazy Taxi last night.
Great list. It's a real pity that so many of these games sell for hundreds of dollars nowadays, especially Power Stone 1 & 2 and the Capcom and SNK fighting titles.
Ecco the Dolphin Defender of the Future Metropolis Street Racer Fur Fighters to name a few are Dreamcast games I played a LOT when I was young.
Oh I just want to say I wish the Staff here the very best. I've been a long time user and lurker of Nintendo Life going as far back as 2007. I've always appreciated the work all of you do here, I just wanted all of you to know this. Ofc the same applies to the Staff of Push Square and Pure Xbox too.
My Dreamcast hidden gems list starts and ends with Demolition Racer: No Exit
Dreamcast is my favorite console by far. So many amazing titles that could have been on this list too. Giant Gram 2000, Mars Matrix, Project Justice, Gigawing 2, Gauntlet Legends, Dynamite Cop, and on and on
As a big Dreamcast fan, this is an excellent list and a well written piece. Thanks for the trip down memory lane! The Dreamcast was a fantastic console. I adored mine as a kid.
Cannot believe BLUE STINGER doesn't make this list !
Happy to see a couple of my favorites make the list which are often left off, which is also a testament to the strong library the system managed in its short time supported on the market. Those two games I didn't expect are King of Fighters '98(I'm using its arcade title here) and Virtual On 2. By 1998, I favored SNK's fighting games over Capcom's for various reasons. And KOF98 is one of SNK's very best. The worst thing about it is the standard Dreamcast controller, despite the four face-button layout being perfect(I still would have preferred six). The 3D backgrounds are well done here(not a fan of when Capcom did that) in that they still look like the original 2D graphics, just with more depth and some perspective changes as it scrolls. KOF98 is a fantastic fighter, and along with Garou and Last Blade 2, make for a great representation of SNK's fighting games on the system.
Virtual On was one of my best gaming discoveries on the Saturn. Quick version is I saw a TV commercial for it. I didn't know what it was, but it was by Sega and it had robots, so I took a chance on it and it became one of my favorite Saturn games. The sequel is even better and the Dreamcast version is excellent. It's an interesting case of a game that received both Model 3 and NAOMI arcade versions. I think the advantage of the Model 3, from what I have read, was texture quality, while the NAOMI could push more polygons and had more rendering effects. Anyway, great game and port.
@Herna I have always felt the same. I always preferred the Saturn library to the DC, despite it also being a very nice console. I think it just came down to preferring the state of game development at the time. I preferred the arcade-like experiences that were more common on the Saturn and just generally in the mid 1990s. But I share your view there.
One of my favorite systems of all time. Definitely will be looking for a way to hook it up to my modern TV once I get my house.
My GOAT console. Outstanding quality of games. And even though I usually find lists incomplete, this one is spot on. Thank you.
I refurbed and modded a Dreamcast with a MODE last year, and it's a crown jewel in my collection.
The Dreamcast is fascinating because while it was very forward thinking with things like a built-in modem, it was also the last console that primarily looked back to the arcades for inspiration. Once the PS2 came out, "bringing the arcade home" was no longer a guiding principle for home consoles.
And that really makes the Dreamcast special. It's the most advanced console that really embodies that old-school spirit, and that makes it an absolute pleasure to experience even today.
This is a great list. If I could add one more game, it would be Cannon Spike — an absolutely daffy arcade shmup just bursting at the seams with Capcom fanservice.
"Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike is the third update of Street Fighter III"
it's the second update afaik.
cool list!
My top Dreamcast games in no particular order:
One of my all time consoles and ,slightly randomly, one of my favourite games is wwf royal rumble which I still think plays well today
Greatest console of all time! This is a good list, but of course, it doesn't even scratch the surface. Despite its short life, Dreamcast has an amazing library. So much creativity. Though they did a much better job than with the Saturn of bringing the best games to the West, it's still worth exploring the Japan-only library, which is of course much larger. Tokyo Bus Guide — one of the most simultaneously relaxing and insanely frustrating games I've ever played. Lack of Love — if that game came out once indie games became popular, it would be a cult classic. So many shmups! I could go on and on and on.
Hydro Thunder and Ecco are big games missing from this list.
Soul Cal, Skies and PSO were absolute beasts on the system. I really need to grab a MODE.
I mean, almost all the good racers are missing. Rush 2049, Hydro Thunder, Episode I Racer. Plus Soul Reaver for some reason. Not to mention the best version of Rayman 2. Was this list can mpiled by AI?
Is Dynamite Cop not on this list? Also, Hydro Thunder is an arcade port standout. Dreamcast is the last classic retro system in my mind, and it’s also one that closed the arcade / console gap. The hardware was amazing at launch - Soul Calibur and Power Stone were absolutely next level and I remember many fun hangouts and lots of screaming!!
"The Dreamcast was also the first console to utilise PC-style internal components"
I would not say the Dreamcast was using PC standard components at all. The SH4 cpu was built by Hitachi exclusively for the Sega console, while the PowerVR gpu, licensed by Imagination Technologies to NEC and then integrated into Dreamcast and Naomi boards, was first and foremost a console GPU, arrived a year later in the PC market in a downgraded form, that offered inferior hardware specifications (but nevertheless competing on equal terms with TNT2 and Voodoo3).
And yes, the Dreamcast was so much advanced for its time!
most excited ive ever been about a console before its launch.
most excited ive ever been about a console during and after its untimely demise.
most exciting system, to this day. even now, I feel like playing some Dreamcast 😁
I wanted to point out a minor thing:
"Rez is short but undeniably sweet and has earned considerable critical acclaim since its release (thanks in no small part to a HD remaster in 2008 and the expanded, VR-ready Rez Infinite in 2016)."
for completions' sake, this would be a good time tonalso mention the PS2 port, which was very timely and is how most people probably played this game, myself included, at least before the HD remaster came out. 👍
There are some good games there, but I've just never been a huge fan of this particular system.
Needs more Cannon Spike, but otherwise a good list!
I can't think of any console that had as much raw personality as the Dreamcast. It was a spunky and special machine.
My original Dreamcast still works (knock on wood), but I modded another one a few years ago with a hard drive and SD slot, and it's one of my prized posessions.
Great list but I take OG Crazy Taxi over the sequel. You could jump in CT1 also.
"Cosmic Smash could arguably sum up exactly what was wrong with Sega's approach to the system; at first glance, it's a pretty bare-bones port of the arcade game of the same name, and doesn't appear to offer much in the way of longevity. However, it soon becomes apparent that there are hidden depths here – multiple routes can be taken through the game, for example – and as a short-burst piece of entertainment, Cosmic Smash certainly does the job."
wait - - what was wrong with this approach again?! 🤪
you could not jump in CT1. id put money on it.
and, this is exactly why i agree and prefer the OG 👍. GREAT game! ✌️
@-wc- In Crazy Taxi 1 there was no official jump but you could most definitely learn how to it.
@Ninersdad Not without a ramp you couldn't.
Dreamcast was somehow both "Saturn 2" (read: the ultimate arcade home port machine) and "Xbox zero" at the same time. That is what makes it so special ❤️ I love mine to bits and I'll never let it go.
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