A crowdfunding campaign for an Amiga-based card game has already passed its initial funding goal of £1,500.
Amiga Trumps is the brainchild of Commodore fan Mark Nuttall. "I really love old Commodore Amiga games, and particularly the brilliant graphics and characters that defined them," he says. "I want to help them to endure and be enjoyed, and I so decided to combine two of the best things from my youth - trump card games, and Amiga computer games."
The core premise is simple: have you ever wondered who would win in a fight - Guybrush Threepwood or Turrican? "Neither has anybody else," says Nuttall. "But now you can find out!"
The rules are the same as the typical game of Top Trumps; each player is given some cards at random, and they take turns to pick a stat from a card. The other players compare the stat on their card, with the highest value winning the round.

"Each of the 34 cards in the deck depicts a hero, villain, or other main character from a classic Amiga title, positioned over a background image of the game," explains Nuttall. "Each card includes 5 statistics (including the surprisingly-difficult-to-nail-down-and-really-quite-subjective 'weapons' category), along with the name of the character, game, and its year of release."
The characters covered in this page include Bitmap Kid (Magic Pockets), Dizzy, Guybrush Threepwood (The Secret of Monkey Island), Jools (Cannon Fodder), James Pond, Zool and Simon the Sorcerer. Cards will be printed on professional grade 310gsm laminated playing cardboard.
It's an interesting concept, and, as we've already established, Nuttall has effortlessly passed his initial funding target. However, what isn't clear is whether Nuttall has gained permission from the various rights holders behind these characters to produce this deck. That could prove to be an issue.